First step on the new road

Finally, I have started my own technical blog!
It was something in the back of my mind for several years now, but being quite lazy by my standards (yes, I am not at all afraid to admit that publicly, and actually it might actually help me correct this aspect) it took some time to finally stop avoiding this and to make this commitment.
I love sharing my thoughts and experience so why not do this in writing also? There is absolutely no reason for me not to.
I’m sure it won’t be that easy at first, but once I get thing moving forward, I’m sure it will become a regular habit.
Even though my blog went live in the 3rd week of January 2019, actual technical content will come a bit later on. I already have something in the works, but first I have to get the technical solution to a “MVP” state before I can share something relevant about it. What I can say, is that it is my main free time focus, so hopefully it will see the light of day sooner, rather than later.
This being said, here I go…
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